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The trianglelab has always been concerned about product quality.We are developing products and working hard to improve the quality.We will not abandon our reputation because of many cheap products on the market.It is believed that only high quality products can ensure the quality of your work and bring safety to your work.
Some of our products may be more expensive than others,but please believe in our quality and believe that you will not regret when you receive the goods.
- To purchase a tax-included products, please click the link below:https://trianglelab.aliexpress.com/store/165422
If you want to buy PRUSA I3 MK3S Full Kit.Please click here to buy.If you want to buy PRUSA I3 MK3S Bear Full Kit.Please click here to buy.If you want to buy Einsy Rambo 1.1b Mainboard.Please click here to buy.*Recommend a very fun upgrade module.Prusa I3 MK3/MK3S Upgrade print Quality improvement DDB extruder.Please click here to buy.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-UF4tv3HvcImportant notice:1.Please read the details page carefully to find out the kit's composition list. And choose the right kit option. If you want a complete set of modules. Please choose the third option.2.The 3D printer material in the second and third options is PETG. PEGT is more rugged and durable than PLA. But PEGT is harder to print than PLA, and we do our best to improve the print quality of PETG. If you are looking for perfection, please choose the first option and then print it by yourself.3.If you choose to print the parts by yourself. Please download the model drawings at the address below. In addition, we should express our sincere gratitude to the author of this print open source.STL:https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3754163NEW:https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/17584-bondtech-DDB-prusa-mk3smk25s-v2-fdm-printable-rhd-4.Due to the different assembly quality of each client machine. The level of customer skill is different. We can't guarantee that every player will get an improvement in print quality. If you can't clearly understand this. Then please stop the idea of buying this product. Because this will not bring you fun.Product description:This extruder upgrade are for Prusa MK2.5 or Prusa MK3 where you already have the dual Drivegears. This kit contains the necessary parts to convert to extruder with 3:1 gearing ratio for better precision and resolution together with optimized geometry for the heatsink cooling and many other cool features.
Hybird stepping motor specification:
1.8° NEMA17 23mm Stepper Motor
NEMA 17Number of Phase 2Step Angle 1.8° deg.Rated Voltage 5.5VRated Current/Phase 1A(Peak Value)Phase Resistance 5.5Ω±10%(20℃)Phase Inductance 6.7mH±20%(1kHz 1V RMS)Holding Torque 2.0 kg.cmInsulation Class B(130℃)Weight 0.15kg
Kit option description:Option 1:23MM PanCake stepper Motor + Motor Gear + DDB SHAFT ASSEMBLY GAER + DDB THUMBSCREW + Needle bearings + Filament sensor +hex wrenchs+ Screw kits + Magnets + Steel ball+Pneumatic connectorCautions:printed parts and dual drive gears are not included in Option 1Option 2:23MM PanCake stepper Motor + Motor Gear + DDB SHAFT ASSEMBLY GAER + DDB THUMBSCREW + Needle bearings + Filament sensor +hex wrenchs+ Screw kits + Magnets + Steel ball +Pneumatic connector+Printed partsCautions:dual drive gears are not included in Option 2
Option 3:Complete set of print head modules(Includes PETG Print Kit)(24V hotend)Photo display: